Sunday, September 27, 2009

Oil Painters of America

Yesterday, Saturday, September 26, OPA painters met at Pretty Water Lake for a paint out. We had a great time painting, wonderful weather, old and new friends, and great scenery to paint.

Above is a photo of a friend taking time from his painting to talk with an admirer of his work.
The artists were invited back to the gallery for refreshments and art talk after a day of painting.

Another plein air event is scheduled for October 17. Check the gallery website, for information. This event will be sponsored by the gallery.

My painting from Pretty Water
Since I last posted ( February), my art life took a pleasant turn as I became involved in a co-op art gallery in Sapulpa. We opened Water Street Art Gallery on March 31 and we have been very busy learning how to do this. There are many challenges and many satisfactions. There are ten of us and, thankfully, all have talents other than their art which allows us to have expertise in many areas.

We have had some fun and interesting events and more are planned. We are also fotunate in that we have a classroom at the back of the gallery and several classes are in progress.

I also must mention that the gallery is a half block off Route 66. How neat is that!